Metronet Jobline (MN Only)

The Minnesota Libraries Jobline is a place to post jobs for librarians, information specialists and school media specialists in Minnesota.  It is not a general jobs database. Posting is free of charge.

Jobs are typically added Monday through Thurs day and will be listed according to when they were posted on this list – in descending order by date. The most recently added jobs are listed first.

Note:  Our email address has changed                                                                                                       

We regularly check for library-related jobs in Minnesota and the greater Midwest area. If you do not see the job you would like posted below, please email your listing(s) directly to [email protected]. Please use the subject line “Metronet Jobline”

Submissions MUST include:  

  • Full description and/or link to existing posting where we can copy posting information
  • A contact name and email (for us in case we have questions)
  • Date to remove posting from our site (if none provided, post will be deleted after 30 days)

Please note that we make every effort to provide correct information, including a link to the original posting included whenever possible. Metronet is not responsible for changes made to original posts after being included in the Jobline.

If you notice a problem with this page, please email [email protected].

Minnesota Jobs: 

Please note that we have now updated our page to show only MN job postings on this tab, with regional jobs located on a separate tab from the home page. We have reorganized and streamlined our page to reflect job postings in various kinds of libraries. Each category is in descending order by date.

    Public Libraries:

    Academic Libraries:

    School Libraries/Media Specialist:

    Special Libraries:

    Museums and Archives:

    Information Specialists:

      Literacy/Library Adjacent Organizations:

        Volunteer/Unpaid Internships: