About Our Organization

What is Metronet?
Metronet is one of seven multitype library systems established by the State Legislature in 1978. Each regional system in the statewide network serves public libraries, school library media centers, college and university libraries, corporate, law, medical, government, museum and other special libraries and information centers.

What does Metronet do?
State law defines Metronet’s program areas: long-range planning, communications, resource sharing, database development, delivery and continuing education. How these program areas are implemented is based on the needs of member libraries and the communities they serve. Governing Board members guide the direction, set policy, and select service strategies that promote collaboration among libraries and links between libraries and metro area priorities. Metronet’s strategic plan outlines its current priorities for member services. View the plan on our web site.

Who “runs” Metronet?
The statutory authority for Metronet rests with the Governing Board, a nine-member Board which includes 5 citizen representatives and 4 library representatives (one from each type of library). At the state level Metronet is a constituent part of the library cooperation program, administered by the Office of State Library Services and School Technology within the Minnesota Department of Education. Metronet is also a member of the Multitype Library System Directors group which represents the state’s seven multitype systems.

Who “thought up” Metronet?
The idea of these library collaboratives grew out of a recognized need for formal arrangements with support for specific functions that cross type of library lines. The systems developed a wide range of programs, many emphasizing the continuing education needs of library staff and the need for collaborative planning around technology development.

What does it cost to belong?
Individual member libraries incur no fee for membership. The only requirement is that the library agree to share its knowledge and, to the extent possible, its resources with the broader community.

How is Metronet funded?
The funding for Metronet’s services comes primarily from state funds. Essential other funds come through grants and contracts for service and minimal charge for continuing education events.

How does Metronet benefit the residents of the metropolitan area?
Increasingly, people use different types of libraries to meet their learning and recreational needs. No one library serves every need. Metronet helps library staff to understand better the information options that face their users and to build services that recognize the many ways in which people can access the full range of information resources of the region.

What are some ongoing Metronet projects and services?
The Metronet website, a member newsletter (MetroBriefs), offering (or co-sponsoring) a variety of continuing education programs, providing a continuing education scholarship program, and the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative.

What are some of Metronet’s projects?
A. Authors and Illustrators database—This resource on Metronet’s website provides information about authors and illustrators of children’s books. The database was designed for teachers and librarians and includes contact information to invite local authors or illustrators to their schools.

Metronet Information Literacy Initiative—The primary goal of the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative is to advocate for the integration of the MEMO (now ITEM) Recommended Standards for Information and Technology Literacy in Minnesota schools and to advance the teaching of information literacy skills in the classroom. To do this, Metronet has created teacher/media specialist training that focuses on the 5 steps of the research process and incorporating the Three Rs—Research, Reliable Resources, and Responsible Use—into classroom instruction. Web 2.0 tools—blogs, wikis, online collaboration tools, and more—and iPad apps are included in the instruction in context and where using these tools enhances student learning and teaching.

MetroBriefs – This newsletter is a collaboration between Metronet and MELSA to deliver news & information to Twin Cities library staff in all types of libraries. You can help us make this a great way to stay informed by sending library news and activities to [email protected]. Click here to subscribe. Click here to view the past year’s archived newsletters.

Teen Lit Con – Metronet and other partners collaborate with MELSA to celebrate teen literature, promote reading and writing, and to create a community of readers by connecting teens and authors. The event began in 2014 and has grown each year. For more information about the 2015 authors, events, and more, visit teenlitcon.org

Authors & Illustrators

What are the requirements to be listed in the Authors & Illustrators section?
To be listed on this site you must be located in Minnesota, a published author or illustrator of children’s and/or young adult’s books, and be willing to present to libraries, schools, community agencies, conferences, etc. If you meet these qualifications, please complete and submit an application. Note:  Listings are published at Metronet’s discretion.

I’m a MN author/illustrator – how do I get listed?
If you meet the requirements listed above, please complete and submit this application form to us for consideration.

Can I include a photo?
Yes. Photos should be in .jpg or .tiff format, and sent as a separate file. Please do not embed them in a Word or other word processing document.