Contact Information
4241 – 27th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Phone: 612-225-7945
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mnartists.org/mrendon703
Book Category: Children’s fiction, Fiction, Nonfiction, Young adult fiction
Age Group: 3rd grade and up
Girl Gone Missing (2019) Cinco Puntos Press
Am Roten Fluss (2017) Argument publisher, Hamburg, Germany
Murder on the Red River (2017) Cinco Puntos Press
A Song for Marie and Adjidamo (2016) McGraw Hill Educational
Pow-wow Summer (2014) MN Historical Press
The Farmer’s Market (2001) CarolRhoda Publishers, Mpls., MN
Native Artists: Livelihoods, Resources, Space, Gifts (2010) Rendon, Marcie, Markusen, Ann; Arts Economy Initiative Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
Whiteness at Work: A Positive Diversity Curriculum (2000) Bock, Mary, Ph.D.; Kellogg, Polly, Ph.D.; Rendon, Marcie, M.A. Sirius Communications, Mpls., MN
Published Plays:
Band Camp; Contemporary Plays by Women of Color, edited by Roberta Uno, Routledge Press, TBD 2017
Friends…; Performing Worlds into Being: Native American Women’s Theater, edited by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Kelli Lyon Johnson, and William A. Wortman; Miami University Press, Oxford, Ohio. 2009
Bring the Children Home: Footpaths & Bridges: Voices from the Native American Women Playwrights archive; edited by Shirley Huston-Findley & Rebecca Howard; University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2008
SongCatcher: A Native perspective of Frances Densmore; published in Keepers of the Morning Star: An Anthology of Native Women’s Theater; UCLA American Indian Studies Center; Los Angeles, California (2003)
Marcie Rendon is a citizen of the White Earth Nation. Her novel, Girl Gone Missing, Cinco Puntos Press, arrives in bookstores May 2019. Murder on the Red River (2017 Cinco Puntos Press) won the National Pinckley Women’s Debut Crime Novel Award, 2018. It was a Spur Finalist in the Western Writers of America 2018 Contemporary Novel category. Two nonfiction children’s books are Pow Wow Summer (MN Historical Press) and Farmer’s Market: Families Working Together (CarolRhoda). Rendon was recognized as a 50 over 50 Change-maker by MN AARP and POLLEN, 2018. With four published plays she is the creative mind of Raving Native Theater. She curates community created performance and stages Native scripts. Diego Vazquez and Rendon received the Loft’s 2017 Spoken Word Immersion Fellowship for their work with women incarcerated in county jails. Most importantly, Rendon is a mother and grandmother.
ITEM Conference; author panel, Alexandria, MN 2018
Tell Me a Story, Paint Me a Dream SCWIB Conference, author panel, UofM, MN 2018
ALAN Conference, author panel, St. Louis, MO, November 2017
Irish Diaspora Conference, Univ of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; present on Impact of Irish Diaaspora on Ojibwe People in MN; August 2017
More Than a Single Story; panelist-curated by Carolyn Holbrook; The Loft, Mpls. 2017
Panelist: Kweli presents The color of Children’s Literature Writer’s Conference; NYC, April 2017
ALAN Conference, author panel, Atlanta, GA, November 2016
$150 – 1/2 day