Jacobs, Dana

Contact info:

Lives in: St. Paul, MN

Email: danaj60@gmail.com

Website: https://www.dasherthecav.com/welcome 

Under Construction Instagram: danaj1960

Phone: 651-343-5516

Author of: Picture Books

Age Group: Pre-School-2nd Grade


The (Mis) Adventures of Dasher, illustrated by Sara Nintzel, Published by Jac & Zel Media, LLC. Publication Date 10/2020. Www.Dasherthecav.com

I am an Indie Author and Publisher. A daughter, sister, wife, mother, auntie, and grandma. I love children, family, fun and puppy’s. I’ve always loved writing, and am excited to have finished my first Children’s Book. I plan to write a series of books with life lessons for children.
Presentation Title & Description: 
The (Mis) Adventures of Dasher is a story about unconditional love and is told by a sweet, rambunctious puppy. It will delight your child, as well as teach them a valuable life lesson.
I would love to do a reading, in exchange for being able to sell books.
*Also available for virtual visits/presentations via Zoom