Kunkel, Kevin


Contact info: 

Lives in: Rosemount, MN

Phone: 952-215-4020

E-mail:  [email protected]

Website: kevinkunkelauthor.com

Book category: Picture Books

Age group: All ages. My debut book is age 4-8


The World We Choose, illustrated by Melissa Favorite, Beavers Pond Press, 2020.


Kevin believes people are fundamentally good and altruistic and that education and community are the keys to unlocking the best in everybody. He hopes his books contribute to making our planet a better place.

Kevin is allergic to cats and dogs but pets aren’t necessary. His two boys (2 and newborn) fill the house’s quota for untamed creatures. Kevin has a standing New Year’s resolution to become a more explosive athlete. He hasn’t been successful yet but he thinks it’s because he hasn’t put in the work. Kevin fully intends to fix the screen door on the porch in the spring or by no later than next year. He lives in Minnesota and can’t watch a movie that features snow without commenting that Hollywood doesn’t understand real cold.

Presentation Title and Description:

  • Improve your Public Speaking in 4 Easy Steps
  • Children’s Book Creation: Process and Practice

*Also available for Skype/Zoom presentations*


Half Day $100 – all inclusive